Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday Happenings 3/20

Happy Friday everyone! 

As you know, your amazing teachers have been sending out lots of  creative ways and ideas for your students to still access and work with their curriculum.  We are experimenting right now with all kinds of ways to communicate: Zoom, Padlet, Google Meet, Blackboard, Flipgrid.  Check it out on your students Google Classroom!!!  On Google Classroom you will also see support from Ms. M the PE teacher and Mrs. Ellis our art teacher.  Google will be the vehicle we will be using once school "starts" again but until then, we are trying it all! 

We are in the process of gathering info from teachers about what further supplies we want to send home of the artistic kind.  A few of you were not able to pick up Chromebooks and teachers have new math texts that students will be needing so we will have another staggered pick-up day coming up late next week after supplies come.  If it looks like they won't come in a timely fashion, we will do just new textbooks as necessary.  

School "resumes" in this new "abnormal" March 30.  On that Monday teachers will be assigning work for real and grading it.  Until then, this is a grace period to understand how life has changed, try new vehicles, find ways that work for us to communicate with kids and keep it all going as best we can. No assignment is required from teachers or students or will be graded until then.  So beyond that expectation that teachers were given, your teachers have been magnificent getting things out to kids and teaching kids virtually and having group conversations with them and going above and beyond to connect with their kids and to have kids connect with each other.  It is to be enjoyed and celebrated, check it out!  Your Pod rocks!!  

In terms of district news, folks have been volunteering to powerdown and trash out schools, and feeding students.  Next week volunteering and  feeding students will be continuing, yours truly will be driving pizza!  We are hopeful that this all will end sooner rather than later for everyone.  It may not, but we will cross that bridge later.  

Lets just breathe and get used to our new norms and ways to communicate and appreciate what we do have and each other.  We will get through it all together, and only together.  In Italy where they are truly locked down for right now, they go out on their balconies in places where the balconies face each other and all sing the same song together at a certain time.  Tutti:  a musical term for the orchestra playing all together.  Lets play on.  

If you have any questions, thoughts etc, please do not hesitate to ask me.   I will take answers to questions that you might all want and re-blog.